• Curlew School District #50

    Volunteer Form


                                                                 Please Print  
    Date  ____________________ 
    First Name:  _____________________  Last Name:_________________________ 
    Address  ____________________________  
    City:_________________State: ____         Zip:  ____________
    Email: ________________________________    Date of Birth:                             .

    Phone______________________Best Time to Call    ______________________                                                                                                               

    I am interested in helping the school by (circle your choices):

        tutoring before or after school              providing clerical help to teachers and staff
        mentoring  a student                            
    talking to a class about my special skill or unique life experience              
    working in the library                           working with students in a classroom                    
    other                          .______________________


    Grade(s) you would like to volunteer in ____________

    Group size you prefer (circle one or more choices)         one on one           small group        large group

    Subject areas you would like to help in (circle all that apply)

                    Reading                        Math                         Spelling                Science             Writing/Language Arts                   
    Music                           Art                            Other:_____________________________

    Day(s) available: _____________________________________________   Time available _____________________________


    If you would like to volunteer your time other than as a regular classroom helper, please describe briefly what you would like to do:



    Do you speak any language other than English?___________If yes, what languages?___________________________________


    Current/ former occupation_______________________________________________


    Special Skills or Talents You Would Like To Share:   

    Thank you for your interest in volunteering here at Curlew School. Please complete and return the above questionnaire so we may place you in a position that best fits your needs and utilizes your special talents and abilities. Completed Questionnaires may be dropped off at the school office or mailed to: Curlew School Volunteer Coordinator; PO Box 370, Curlew WA 99118.



Last Modified on February 13, 2013