• Curlew, Washington is located in the northeast part of Washington State.  We are located in Ferry county and are twenty-two miles from the county seat located in Republic. 

    We have several interesting sites to see while in the Curlew area. They include the Ansorge Hotel Museum, Antique Car & Truck Museum , Ranald MacDonald Burial Site, Historic Malo Store. To find out the more about these and other places in Ferry county  please visit www.ferrycounty.com.
    Ten miles west of Curlew is the Curlew Job Corp. Please visit  http://curlew.jobcorps.gov/home.aspx .
    One of our biggest community of Curlew events is Barrel Derby Days. It is held the first weekend of June each year.    http://www.ferrycounty.com/activities/attractions/barrel-derby-days/
    Curlew is just ten miles from the Canadian border.  Just across the border is the town of Grand Forks, British Columbia.
Last Modified on July 10, 2019